Art projects, photos and other works

“In photographs and films I am able to combine things that are present in thinking and dreams at the same time but in reality often very far from each other in time and space.”

Sometimes a series of photographs or video works like a poem, characterized by black humor and surprise. Some projects are pretty well documentary.

6. Day, Creation of Safe Mode


Privat exhibition at Galleria K, Tikkurila, in September

Finishing Genesis2.0, seven days of creation, painting serie,

Genesis 2.0. 7 days of contemporary creation of the world, 7 paintings 2023-24

Mixed media, photo composition and acrylic paint on canvas, 104 cm x 185 c

2023 Harri 70y, Pavillon of Bees building (starts…), delayed to 2026…

2022 started photography in closed chalk mining crater, huge eternal scar on mother earth’s face. Two session also with dancer – photo performance in the spirit of buto dance.

Paintings 2021-22, mainly oil on plywood, acrylic on canvas or mixed media (photo on canvas and acrylic paint)

2022 working on retrospective & some conceptual paintings and monumental art work Pavillon of Bees.

Clear without words, Photo collage and acrylic painting 105 x 180 cm, 2020-22

Big private exhibition October 2021in Split at MKC, Multimedijalni kulturni centar Split.

Bee gardening started 2017… RESILIENCE PROJECT in progress 2019…

Harri works with beehives, photo and video art, project for new short and other stuff.

Link to wider portfolio here.

Some examples of sculpt and photo collages. Sculpt around 1,5 x 1,5 x 1,5meter, different woods, collages 105 x 175 cm, paint on prints.

Link to shortmovie ”Bee Keeping”.  2019, 28min, also in YLE Areena.

Tattooed artworks 2015-2017

Tattoo photos based on artworks and interviews 2015-2017. Coop with Akseli Gallen-Kallela Museum, exhb and book 2017.

”Tulemme jostain” – ”We are natives of somewhere” – Poems and image collage 2014- 2016.

 Serie contains 40 works, photo collages varied sizes, up to 105 x 270cm.

Come and see. Harri Larjosto’s awakened, robots and masks, 2013, Vantaa Art Museum.

See the short video documentary of the exhibition.

Wake – second hand knowledge 2010

Wake – secondhand knowledge – multimedia installation 2010 lures you into another, dream-like realm. Combination of animated photos and videos in installations. See the installation documentary video and portfolio (.pdf). Also the book Harri Larjosto Unet, (Taide 2009)

Pandemic – Kulkutauti, Film and photo entity 2009.

Watch the Film Pandemic:

A delivery man experiences it all – and sees grey people – on the outskirts of a city during his working day. The film focuses on the global human act of keeping the system running. Photos are partially made during the film shootings and separately under title ”Each has role, slot” – jokaisella on osansa…

Landscape painting, self portrait.

More art projects and galleries in Archive .

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